Market value charts

Andesine: average retail prices, Feb 2025

Valuation date: 22 Feb 2025
Value chart for Andesine. Data valid till: 08 Mar 2025
Values in USD per carat; ref. clarity = VVS, ref. cut = Excellent

Color Color Description, Occurrence 1 ct. 3 ct. 5 ct. 10 ct. 30 ct.
008 - medium Red; very slightly brownish 008 - medium Red; very slightly brownish
Alternative name, occurrence category: Rare
$33.77/ct $34.88/ct $35.99/ct $38.76/ct No data
004 - medium light Red; strong 004 - medium light Red; strong
Alternative name, occurrence category: Rare
$29.64/ct $30.62/ct $31.59/ct $34.02/ct No data
014 - medium light orangey Red; strong 014 - medium light orangey Red; strong
Alternative name, occurrence category: Rare
$19.47/ct $20.11/ct $20.74/ct $22.34/ct No data
045 - light Yellow; very slightly brownish 045 - light Yellow; very slightly brownish
Alternative name, occurrence category: Common
$6.86/ct $7.08/ct $7.31/ct $7.87/ct No data
065 - medium light yellowish Green; very slightly greyish 065 - medium light yellowish Green; very slightly greyish
Alternative name, occurrence category: Common
$12.46/ct $12.87/ct $13.28/ct $14.30/ct No data
020 / 066 - color shift; light reddish Orange; strong / medium light yellowish Green; very slightly greyish 020 / 066 - color shift; light reddish Orange; strong / medium light yellowish Green; very slightly greyish
Alternative name, occurrence category: Common
$13.35/ct $13.79/ct $14.22/ct $15.32/ct No data

Approximate clarity factors:

Clarity grade VVS VS SI1 SI2 I1 I2 I3 OPQ
Value factor 1.0000.8210.7270.5390.4140.288------

Andesine is a type of feldspar silicate mineral that was first discovered in 1841 in Colombia. In the early 2000s a few red exemplars appeared on the market, although it was later discovered that they were artificially colored. The lack of proper authentication is one of the challenges when estimating andesine's value.

Andesine is relatively brittle and can crack, but can be used in jewelry. Red andesine stones are usually used as a substitute for ruby or spinel, which look similar, but are much more expensive, compared to andesine's price.

Andesine's value chart will help you evaluate the worth of the gemstone you own, based on its colour, cut, carat weight, and clarity. It varies from transparent to translucent and from red, orange, and honey yellow, to green.

Natural deposits of andesine exist in the Andes mountains in South America (which it is named after), as well as in France, Germany, Italy, among other locations.

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