Market value charts

Amblygonite: average retail prices, Oct 2024

Valuation date: 22 Oct 2024
Value chart for Amblygonite. Data valid till: 05 Nov 2024
Values in USD per carat; ref. clarity = VVS, ref. cut = Excellent

Color Color Description, Occurrence 1 ct. 3 ct. 5 ct. 10 ct. 30 ct.
093 - light very slightly bluish Green, very slightly greyish 093 - light very slightly bluish Green, very slightly greyish
Alternative name, occurrence category: Common
$108.08/ct $119.74/ct $131.39/ct $160.53/ct No data
063 - light yellowish Green; very slightly greyish 063 - light yellowish Green; very slightly greyish
Alternative name, occurrence category: Common
$80.41/ct $89.09/ct $97.76/ct $119.44/ct No data
043 - very light Yellow 043 - very light Yellow
Alternative name, occurrence category: Common
$51.97/ct $57.58/ct $63.18/ct $77.19/ct No data

Approximate clarity factors:

Clarity grade VVS VS SI1 SI2 I1 I2 I3 OPQ
Value factor 1.0000.9420.8180.6120.404---------

Amblygonite is a type of fluorophosphate mineral that is usually white, beige, yellow or gray. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is between 5.5 and 6, which makes it unsuitable for types of jewelry prone to scratching and damage, such as rings. In general, it's rarely used for jewelry and can be usually found in mineral collections.

Cut stones are usually not bigger than 10 cts in size, while in its natural state it usually ranges from 10 to 15 cts. The largest existing exemplar is of 70 cts. Carat weight is one of the defining factors when estimating amblygonite's value.

Similarly to other gemstones, amblygonite's price will depend on different factors, color and carat weight being two of them. Other factors include the clarity of the gemstone and its cut. If you register at Gemval, you'll be able to access amblygonite's value chart to accurately estimate the price of the specimen you own.

Its main deposits can be found in the US, Brazil, Germany and Sweden.

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