Sunstone market statistics


  • Color: red, orange, yellow, brown, bi-color brown to greenish
  • Hardness: 6.5
  • Refractive index: 1.53 - 1.55
  • Density: 2.54 - 2.63
  • Chemical composition: complex aluminosilicate
  • Crystal structure: triclinic
  • Origins: Canada, USA, Tanzania.

Considered to be a collector's stone, this is a variety of feldspar (plagioclase), with intense red and orange crystals being the most valued. Diffuse inclusions produce the distinctive shimmering effect known as schiller, which does not reduce the value of the stone.


Sunstone 14.34 cts. Sunstone 18.02 cts.
Sunstone 14.34 cts.
Published under permission: Miguel Angel Lopez
Sunstone 18.02 cts..
Published under permission: Miguel Angel Lopez

The figures are based on Gemval's aggregated valuation statistics for the retail market. Irrelevant, controversial or repeat data are excluded from our analysis wherever possible. The figures are updated monthly.

Weight distribution for Sunstone

Occurrence is represented in % for different weight categories.

Price distribution for Sunstone

Occurrence is represented in % for different value intervals.

Clarity distribution for Sunstone

Occurrence is represented in % for different clarity grades.

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